Who we help

We bring positive outcomes no matter your age

we have knowledge and experience with all ages

Care and commitment shape our services – no matter your age.

Just like every person is unique so too are our sessions – tailored to your needs and goals. Our team has experience across all ages – from babies through to the elderly.

Babies and young children

Occupational therapy can help when babies show delays with, or do not reach, developmental milestones. If your child has difficulties with rolling, moving, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, not bringing objects/toys to their mouth they would benefit from our services.

Babies over 12 months that show retained primitive reflexes also require support from an Occupational Therapist in order to correct immaturities in their central nervous system (CNS) and prevent ongoing delays in development.

Kindy and school aged children

Does your child struggle with play, sleep, meal times, frequent trantrums or meltdowns, rough play, no pain response, trouble making and keeping friends, mood swings, under or over reactive to the world around them, learning or attention.

We can help.

Teenagers and young adults

Building resilience, understanding social cues and personal space, making and keeping friends, engaging postively with learning and school, becoming work ready and taking care of oneself are just some of the many important areas that Occupational Therapy can help with for this age group.

We can help you achieve your own goals and build confidence along the way.


We support adults to live independent lives with meaning and purpose.

We can provide assessment for in home supports (including home modifications), assist with re-learning old skills or train new skills to overcome challenges to independence, support adults to engage positively with their community and teach skills for maintaining safety.

help is at hand

We are a NDIS approved provider.

The NDIS will fund reasonable and necessary supports that help people with a disability to achieve their goals - and we can help you with you plan, with our on-site plan manager - a no-cost service for you.

We know that the NDIS can feel a little overwhelming at times - we have experience and knowledge to help you prepare for your plan – and get the most out of the scheme when you are in. Our services are available using the NDIS and other funding sources.

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